Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Lot of Time Has Gone By!

Welcome back!  A lot of time has gone by since my last post, a lot of ups and downs and all arounds!  Needless to say, I am still running and doing well!  I hit the "magical" two year mark in April when the doctors said my leg would be "fully healed" and my compression sock would not be necessary on a regular basis.  So here is the update on where we stand with the sock!

I do feel a major improvement in all areas of living with my leg.  I am "sockless" during day to day activities which means the Daisy Dukes are back! Kidding.  However, I still wear the sock when I exercise, it swells up entirely too much and hurts even more if I don't use it.  So...its still me in my compression pants and my one black sock!  Running is still hard with my leg but the good news, I am doing it and I am doing more than ever in the last two years. The final verdict was that I would be able to use my leg as "normal" but it will only function to about 75% of a normal capacity.  When my oxygen levels are deprived (i.e. running and breathing harder) my leg's circulation declines even more. 

I am blessed to be able to be out running and have begun the first week of an incredible journey that I hope ends in all good ways in November!  I have signed up for a race, one that will pull my body and my mind farther than I can imagine at this point.  I am ready, I have begun training, and I am excited.  My disclaimer....I am fully prepared but not settling on a taking a lesser distance to this race.  I signed up for 26.2 miles of beauty in the battlefield of Chickamauga knowing that I would train for it but will be okay if I have to back off to the 13.1 mile option of the race. 

So let the fun begin and here is to hoping for the best!

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